This guide provides a step-by-step walkthrough for setting up an Azure App for Active Directory (AD) integration between Office 365 and NordicScreen Q-Cal. The guide is divided into two steps:
1. Setting up the Azure App in the Azure Portal
2. Configuring the integration in Q-Cal
Each section includes detailed steps to ensure a smooth setup process. If you need additional assistance, a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section is available at the end of the guide.
Step 1: Setting Up Azure App in Azure Portal
1. Create App registration in Azure.
2. Click on App registrations
3. Click on New registration
4. Type "NordicScreen - Q-Cal AD"
5. Click on Register
6. Click on API permissions
7. Click on Add a permission
8. Click on Microsoft Graph
9. Click on Your application runs as a background service or daemon without a signed-in user.
10. Type "directory"
11. Click on Expand
12. Click on Directory.Read.All
13. Type "group"
14. Click on Expand
15. Click on Group.Read.All
16. Type Group Member
17. Click on Expand
18. Click on GroupMember.Read.All
19. Type "user"

20. Click on Expand
21. Click on User.Read.All
22. Click on Add permissions
23. Click on Certificates & secrets
24. Click on New client secret
25. Type "NordicScreen - Q-Cal AD"
26. Click on Expires
27. Click on 730 days (24 months)
28. Click on Add
29. Click on Certificates & secrets
30. Copy "Value" and pas in a email (Used in part two of the guide)
31. Copy "Secret" and pas in a email (Used in part to of the guide)
32. Click on Overview

33. Copy "Application (client) ID" and pas in a email (Used in part to of the guide)
Step 2: Configuring the Integration in Q-Cal
1.Go to Setup.
2. Click on Client Import.
3. Click on +.
4. Select Microsoft Azure AD.
5. Name the integration, e.g., Azure AD Integration.
6. Click on Azure Active Directory Configuration.
7. Enter the Application ID.
8. Enter the Application Key. Note: This should be the Value, not the secret key.
9. Enter your domain, e.g.,
10. Click on Save.
11. Activate the module by clicking on Enable Module.
12. Click on AD Groups.
13. Once the integration is correctly set up, all groups from Azure AD will appear. Select the groups Q-Cal should listen to and move them to Selected Groups.
14. Click on Save & Close.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Why can’t I see the app in Azure Portal?
Ensure you have the necessary admin rights.
What do I do if no clients appear?
Click on Test Run, or wait as it may take several hours for Q-Cal and Azure to establish a connection.
How do I know if the integration is working?
If AD groups appear correctly under AD Groups, the integration is functional.