Create a Comprehensive Overview of Check-In Guests with NordicScreen Q-Cal: Easy Step-by-Step Guide

Create a overview of your Check-In Guests

This guide shows step-by-step how to create a overview of your Check-In guests for your solution.

1. First step is to log in to Q-Cal.

2. Click on Main Menu and select Check-In Dashboard.
Q-Cal system interface showing a week's schedule with highlighted options in the main menu for Screen Designs, Media Library, Check-In Dashboard, ActiveMap, Calendar Integrations, Clients, and Catering.

3. Click on the small box with an arrow inside.
Q-Cal dashboard interface with counters for Total Registrations, Checked in, and Checked out guests, all currently at zero, and an option to add a new entry.

4. Click on Settings.
Q-Cal guest registration screen displaying 'Total Registrations' and 'Checked in' with zero counts, a search bar, and tabs for Guests, Settings, and Logs.

5. Customize settings as needed. Then click Save.
Guest List Settings window with options for check-out confirmation, notifications, auto-checkout, data deletion settings, and a 'Save' button highlighted.

6. Click on the Pencil next to "Terms".
Dashboard displaying 'Total Registrations', 'Checked in', and 'Checked out' with zeros, a search field, and columns for Name, Host, Terms, Privacy Policy, Checked in, and Checked out, with a 'Check-in' button visible.

7 Activate the Terms and Conditions Agreement. Then click on Save.
  You have now created an overview of your Check-In Guests!
Popup window titled 'Guest List Settings - Terms and Conditions Agreement' with options to upload a new version of the document, showing the current version dated 12-09-2023, and buttons to save or cancel the changes.

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