How to Close Q-Cal on an Android Screen

How to Close Q-Cal on an Android Screen


This guide explains how to disable Q-Cal as the active “Home app” on an Android screen. By following these steps, you will gain full access to the Android system and be able to use the screen without the Q-Cal interface. The guide is simple to follow and helps you switch between Q-Cal and the default Android setup.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. Use the volume buttons:
      • Press the minus button (volume down) twice.
      • Press the plus button (volume up) five times.
This step ensures you have access to additional functions on the screen.

2. Disable Home app:
      • In the top right corner of the screen, you will see a button labeled “Disable Home app”.
      • Tap this button to disable Q-Cal as the default “Home app.”

3. Go to Android Home app:
      • After disabling, you will be directed to the Android home screen.


Once these steps are completed, Q-Cal will be disabled, and you will have full access to the Android system on your screen. If you want to use Q-Cal again as the default “Home app,” you can simply re-enable it in the Home app settings.
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