Streamlining Calendar Integration: Setting up IBM Lotus Domino with Q-Cal

IBM Lotus Domino

1. The first step, is to login on Q-cal.

2. Now click on Main Menu and select Calender Integrations.
Q-Cal scheduling interface displaying 'Main menu' dropdown with options including 'Screen designs', 'Media library', 'Calendar integrations', and 'Clients'.

3. Next step, click on the "+"

Q-Cal Calendar Integrations page with a list of integration entries and a green 'add new' button highlighted.

4. Select "IBM Lotus Domino". 

Integration selection window in Q-Cal with various service options such as Office 365, Google Calendar, Microsoft Exchange, and KMD Booking.

5. Here can you see all the settings for the integration, click on "HTTP module configuration".

Configuration screen for an HTTP module within the Q-Cal calendar integration setup, indicating that the module is currently disabled.

6. In the last step, you copy the HTTP URL from the webpage and past it in the first box. Fill out the username and password and then press Activate module and Save & Close.

HTTP module configuration interface in Q-Cal showing fields for URL, username, and password, with a reminder that the configuration is disabled and will not sync until activated.