Connectivity & Setup: How to Connect Device to LAN & Wi-Fi | NordicScreen

IOT Door Control Relay FAQ

Question: How does the device connect to the internet?

Answer: The device is connected to a LAN connection with access to public networks.

Question: Can the device's own Wi-Fi be turned off?

Answer: Yes, it can. Contact NordicScreen. Note: If Wi-Fi is turned off on the device, the only way to connect to the device is via the LAN network.

Question: Does the device need wired internet?

Answer: As mentioned earlier, we recommend using wired internet as it provides the best connection but also the least secure.

Question: Can the device be set up with a Wi-Fi connection?

Question: How can the time the door stays open be changed?

Answer: Once the door installation is completed so that the time is controlled by how long the IOT Door Control Relay is active, this can be configured by NordicScreen. Contact NordicScreen to make this change.

Question: How can I tell if the device is online?

Answer: This information can be obtained from NordicScreen. Contact NordicScreen for this.

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    • How to test IOT Door Control Relay.

      1. Log in to Q-Cal. 2. Press on your name, then a menu will drop down. 3. Press "admin" and then "IoT Devices". 4. Press "Test" to check if the door opening works.