NordicScreen Q-Cal Parking Logs: Accessing and Understanding Parking Records

Logs of parking registrations

Q-Cal stores parking records from the last 14 days for future documentation.

You need to be a account admin to access the logs.

Here's how to find them.


1. Log in to Q-Cal.

2. Click on your name > Admin > Parking Integrations.
User interface of Q-Cal application with 'Parking Integrations' option highlighted in the admin dropdown menu, indicating where to manage parking settings.

3. Click on the gear icon on the right side of the integration which logs you wish to see.
Q-Cal parking integrations management screen showing a list of parking service providers with options to add, edit, and approve integration details.

4. Click on Logs.
Edit Parking Integrations interface for 'Lyngbyport parking' with fields for Type, Name, Area-code, Reservation period, and Validation, including options for Logs, Save, and Back.

5. In the log, all registrations can be seen and their status found.

The small status symbol tells whether the parking has gone through or not.

Response gives a small explanation of any errors that might occur.

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