Before starting, the following must be set up on the device.
- The device must have an internet connection.
- The devices date and time must be set up correctly.
NB. When the following is set up, the iPad will be locked, and will only show a meetingroom display from NordicScreen. You can always close the application, by following this guide.(Indsæt guides som viser hvordan man komme ud af forenklet adgang)
Set up Q-Cal meeting Room Booker display as homeapp.
- Head to Safari.
- Insert the web address delivered by NordicScreen, for the relevant meeting room.
- Click on the box with the arrow pointing out of it.
- Select "Add To Homescreen", and name it after your own choice. We recommend that you call it "Q-Cal - (The meeting rooms name)"
- Close all apps, and find the app you just added on your homescreen.
- Open the app, and make sure that everything is as it should be.
Set up Simplified Access:
Open Settings > Availability > Scroll down to the category General > Simplified Access.
1. Turn on "Simplified Access".
2. Set a code which will be used to get out of simplified access.
NB. Nordicscreen recommends that you set a code that is easy to remember. NordicScreen support can not help you find the code. It is a personal code that locks up the iPad.
3. Turn on "Accessibility Shortcut".
4. Set "Lock screen automatically" to never.
The device can now be set up as a meeting room display.
1. Find the app on the homescreen, and open it.
2. Press the

, and do the following action: