Design - Simple
How to find HTML in Q-Cal
Would you like to personalize your design further? Then follow this guide to learn how to access the HTML and make the changes. 1. Log in to Q-Cal and click on 'Settings' 2. Then click on 'Screen designs'. 3. Locate the design you want to modify and ...
How to make your meeting room display show green during meetings
This guide will show you how to make your meeting room display show green during meetings. 1. Log in to Q-Cal 2. Click on Views. 3. Hereafter choose Meeting Room Displays. 4. Click on the Gear-Icon next to the desired meeting room display. 5. Expand ...
CSS Variables
We have a couple of variables that can be used in the CSS sheet to call some already defined styles. If you use these variables, the solution will use the style that you defined on the front-end of your solution. Font var(--common-font, 'Some font ...
Check-In Properties
The following properties can all be used in a Check-In solution. Usually, you'll only be needing the standard fields, but for some custom solutions, the special fields can be useful. Standard fields client.Name client.Description client.RFID ...
Add Custom Font
1. Go to 2. Upload your font 3. Follow these settings: 4. Download package 5. Open your fonts.css file 6. Copy the content and paste it into the CSS file in Q-Cal at the top. 7. Remember to add ...
How to design a activity overview
Q-Cal is a smart screen solution with many options. But how do you create an activity overview? This guide will show you step by step how to make an activity overview. 1. Click on Design at the top of the site. 2. Choose Activity Overview. 3. Select ...
How to change the design in Q-Cal
You can easily change your design in Q-Cal between the designs you already have. 1. When you're on the frontpage of Q-Cal, click on Views. 2. Click on Meeting Room Displays. 3. Find the screen that you want to change the design on and click on the ...
How to create/use Q-Cal Templates for Q-Play Template solution
How to create a Q-Cal Screen Design. If you want to add a dynamic element to your Q-Play template, we can create a relevant template in Q-Cal. Then we also showcase how the two systems work together. Sign in to Q-Cal. Click on Design Choose a display ...