How to only show "Public" meetings
If you only want to show "Public" meetings on your Q-Cal SignangeViews/Screen, follow this guide that shows how you set it up. Part 1: Turn on "Mark meetings as public if subject starts with *". 1. Log in to Q-Cal in your browser, and click on Main ...
Q-Cal recommended hardware
Q-Cal meeting room screens are using an all-in-one screens with LED light around the edges from PRODVX. The screens can be ordered at Fineman and be delivered with Q-Cal installed. Recommended hardware for Q-Cal can be found here. NB. NordicScreen ...
Where do i find my Booking ID?
Open https://app.q-cal.net in your browser. Alternatively you can click the booking button in the main menu of Q-play. Click views at the top of the page, find SignageViews on the list and click. Find the SignageView you want to display on your info ...
How to change my organisations language in Q-Cal
You can easily change the language of your organisation in Q-Cal. Follow these simple steps: 1. Click the cogs icon next to your organisations name. 2. Select the language you want from the dropdown in the pop-up window. 3. Click 'Save & Close'.