Display Microsoft Power BI Reports in Q-Play V2: Comprehensive Guide

How to show a Microsoft Power BI report in Q-Play V2


This guide will help you set up an integration between Microsoft Power BI and Q-Play, as well as upload your reports directly to the Q-Play Power BI app. By following this guide, you’ll learn how to connect Power BI with Q-Play and how to display your reports on digital signage screens.

*The guide is divided into two parts:*

Part 1: Create Microsoft Power BI Integration

1. Start by logging in to your Q-Play V2 account using your credentials.

2. On the left-hand side menu, click on “Integrations”.
Q-Play dashboard with a welcome message, a help offer, and a 'Get started with 3 easy steps' infographic, alongside a YouTube tutorial video.

3. Click the “New Integration” button in the upper right corner.
Q-Play integrationsside uden resultater vist, mulighed for at tilføje ny integration øverst til højre.

4. From the list of available integrations, select Microsoft Power BI.
Vælg powerbi

5. Give the integration a meaningful name so that it’s easy to recognize later.

6. Select how often Q-Play should take a snapshot of the Power BI dashboard, e.g., every hour, daily, etc.

7. Click the login button and enter your Power BI account details to allow Q-Play to access your reports.

8. Click the ”+” icon to add a report from your Power BI account.
Tryk på plus

9. Select the Power BI report you want to integrate and give it a name that will make it easy to find in the Power BI app in Q-Play.
Vælg report

10. Paste the URL of the selected report. Note: Remove the first part of the URL (https://app.powerbi.com) before saving.
Angiv alt

11. Click “Save” to save your integration.

12. Once the integration is successfully set up, you’ll see a snapshot of your Power BI dashboard directly in Q-Play.
Tjek billede

13. If something goes wrong, check the “Script logs” to see what happened or where an error occurred.
Script tjek

14. In “Settings”, you can modify the URL or update other settings for the integration.

Note: It may take a few minutes before the integration is fully operational.

Part 2: Upload Reports to the Q-Play Power BI App

1. In the left-hand menu, click on “DesignTool” to access the Q-Play design tool.
Tom side for integrationer i Q-Play med menuen til venstre og en knap til at tilføje ny integration.

2. Click on the presentation where you want to add the Power BI app. If you haven’t created a presentation yet, you can create a new one by clicking here.
Q-Play DesignTool interface med brugergrænseflade, inkluderer 'Standard' layoutgruppe og 'Jesper Weinreich' layout valgmulighed.

3. In the editor, choose the Power BI app from the available apps list and add it to the desired slide.
Q-Play Editor brugergrænseflade med tom skabelon klar til redigering og applikationsværktøjer som Power BI og YouTube tilgængelige for integration.

4. Click on the Power BI app to open the app settings on the right side of the screen.
Q-Play Editor med markering af et Power BI-integrationsfelt og Power BI App Properties åben og klar til konfiguration.
5. In the settings, choose the Power BI integration you created earlier, as well as the specific report you want to display.

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